Lumbering & Logging at West Fork

WF Bridge with Road to Sawmill in background

Sawmill on Ridgeline

Building at Sawmill

Dry Flume and Landing for Lumber

Birdseye of Landing and Cow Creek Bridge

Birdseye of West Fork Bridge

Logging Camp

Logging Camp


Located on the ridge line above the railroad tunnel at the west end of West Fork was a sawmill.  What made this sawmill somewhat unique was that the lumber was cut several hundred feet above the canyon floor and then placed on a dry flume and "shot" down to the landing below.  The late LeRoy Dixon once spoke with an old timer that worked on this operation and was told, "If there was anything left after the splinters stopped flying we loaded it on a flatcar."

The last two photos show West Fork as a logging camp.  The hotel is gone and has been replaced with the camp and a railroad spur to load logs.